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The story - Photographer Wannabe

The story -  Hello guy introduce Elma's eu name my mom said that half an alien and half an angel beautiful..

Hey kidding I'm totally human, just like you are I was born and grew up in a Bekasi On the planet yak!

a place where people from the outskirts of Jakarta the fact that it's just a resume, only if the slang kids are SUBURBAN By the way, I live together with my mom, grandmother, uncle, imouto and nii-chaaaan..

Packed huh? Actually, I am not as FUN as you guys see you could say my life is quite sad because I'm the child of a broken home victim yes, so I try to be strong and look happy,

but that doesn't make me really sad because when my father was divorced I'm still with my brother and sister are still small, so yeah there isn't too much sadness until now Is it so sad or not?

Hehehe, sorry, I'm still unstable in my opinion.. Life can be grateful for what it is your friend fell into a ditch, just Thank you, get info if your ex cheated on her new boyfriend?

Just thankful ... Simple right? Oh, yes.. Since my child is very accommodating, so, I have lots of friends at school even I also am familiar with upperclassmen

Until one day there was a sister who had a crush on me her name is Mr. Mika Sis said mika, my child is cool and friendly finally we invented it but..

The of our relationship foundered and only lasted for Two years only

There are several strong reasons for us to break up First he must focus on college, PREEEET! The second we are of different religions, tired of looking for a middle ground plus..

It turns out all this time I'm just a spare tire You foolish idiots!

So, we are compacting for the end.. I'm so sad until I become lazy if invited to go to play yeah,

I'm just at home and cries suddenly when I imagine the good times with Mika imagine two years full of love and stories it's hard if you just MOVE ON

Not long after that my brother began to realize that something was wrong with me Even though my brother is ignorant and cold finally invited me out where I've never come

Turns out he asked me to take photos like that By the way, the picture was my brother's hobby from the first Then he took pictures of me like that I don't know why since then

I really like hunting photos Moreover, I have often been told by my friends "this is a model" my level of self-confidence. Automatically increases.. hehehe Even my ex-Sampenge blocked me on

Instagram hear from his friend anyway.. He said he didn't want to see my photos the problem is that I am prettier now hahaha, really confident, huh But seriously, since I liked being photographed

I became more concerned about myself and beautify myself for the sake of the good results for uploading you know..

The name is also a girl certainly want maximum results, so that, the valve and the cockroach so a lot of photographers invited me to hunt photos together Usually the cooperation that

I do with the photographer is not in the form of money I will gladly accept the photos anyway in my opinion, I do not deserve to install the price still amateur with this pose

Laughing capital pose Especially if you already get a photo from a reliable photographer, Geez.. It's skyrocketed like me on Instagram But until one day

I got a chat from a guy who said he was a photographer sorry to say yaa when I checked the profile, he was fat and made fun of him

But I never judge people from their covers Who knew he was fantastic at shooting? Finally, I asked him what he was interested in He said he is wanted to offer me a photo at the apartment wait!

I feel like something's wrong with everyone just knows you yet and know invited to the apartment for a photo session yeah actually it doesn't matter with the apartment..

It's just, there's something weird like that.. Because my suspicions are getting rounder I started to mock him with words "That must be a False photo" then he replied to the chat

This is privacy many people will come later too selooow there's a pay to why, enough for you to hedon a month Listen so..

The numbers are also huge for me who is still in a vocational school and smells of OLI so..

I don't think that I will offer anyway, it's just a lot after that makes me not think he asked me to take a photo while naked wow!

I can't reply immediately right.. As for me, I don't want to just divide my genitalia as good as my forehead Are you crazy?

Hey, the fucker is touching me instead until he gave me a photo of a model that Photo him in the apartment and the concept are sexy.

You know ... And without realizing it, I trusted him I think people are professional in their fields and really want me to be the model, but the ones who don't think about it

Why have to send naked photos right now via chat?

I'm asking "Do you really have to send photos like that?" then he said "So, it can be assessed according to criteria or not" I was stupid, I believed..

The story - Like buying a sack in a cat Honestly at that time I had taken a selfie which was rather hot,

but I'm afraid to like that finally he said "If you don't want a complicated photo, just come here Video Call" okay deal!

Provided he gave me a photo ID as collateral this is a privacy thing for a long time, I did it in the bathroom,

I was naked but still covered my chest with two arms crossed You guys will look..

This fucker still wrote force me to drop my hand I refused, but he kept pushing At that moment I turned off the VC because he already forced fix him BRICK!

Then he checked me why is it turned off? I just said that it's more than enough stupid.. Uh.. I know he sent a screenshot of the video call earlier and in that screenshot it looks like

I'm clearly in the bathroom while naked covering my chest YES LORD Why am I being this stupid? Deceived the jerk easily He said to archive it Fucker!

Eh, when I collect, which photo ID is in accordance with the agreement at the beginning he suddenly refused with various reasons he said tomorrow then I asked the next day, he said, the KTP was washed this, that stale!

Until I was at a point where I couldn't hold back my patience I chat him, I don't want to know spam You have to give me a point! Finally, he gave, but..

The photo is intentionally being banned deliberately it's real I just can't see anything since then he's really hard to chat

For days my mind was not calm I'm really scared that the screenshot photo is spread If the virus can be asmyooong my self-esteem and my family, fix! I'm really shy, looord.. Honest..

When I was confused what to do? I also broke up with Mika Prestige please ask for help Because I already stuck and don't know what else to do finally

I was determined to go to the police station I also went to the police station with many doubts, I have grown ashamed of myself

There I tell you everything as clearly as possible the police were confused because they say in this position I'm also guilty for agreeing to the invitation of the fucker I know I'm wrong but..

The point that I sign here is about fraud and I'm in this position I'm stuck with the fucker The proof is that he doesn't want his identity to be revealed, like the agreement at that time..

It's clear if he was just playing with me for the outlet for his earthly desires, I really cried at the police station because of mixing feelings,

I tried to convince the police officer to understand my position, which was tricked and scared because he kept the screenshot the police

She can't blame that crazy person because of the existence of the SS photo also because I gave him a chance

The police said he would only be blamed if he has already spread the picture of me that naked what?

Does it have to be viral and spread before they act? I'm disappointed.. As disappointed as I am.. Hopeless doesn't know the direction

The police also could not clearly see the ID card that was photographed deliberately blurred

I walked out of the police station feeling scared really not in the mood Until I open my house again, the black card photo

Even though all the writing is blurry it turns out when I was thorough

I could still guess the ID number of the guys the problem is the writing of the numbers is quite larger than other writings

With courage that has been collected I tried to tell that fucker via chat if I finished after the police station

Until in the chat, I said swear by this for the sake of it was because I was very emotional at the response that tends to be low

Because I'm serious and not playing, I threaten him all at once If I don't delete my photo, he will send me the ID card number Well..

He kept scared, he said.. "I can't use the police too much" I'm just saying, uh, you don't have a brain

Read alsoThe story - The Rented Scary

Do you really think that's a photo! If you don't delete it, I'll go back to the police station to give your ID number, which already reads me!

Finally, he sent a gallery screen shoot he was again showing me my screen shoot photo it's already not there I'm relieved but honestly..

Even now, I am still curious about whether he really deleted or did it. He naturally has time to mind photos.. Sometimes.. Until now,

I still imagine the shadow of fear that the photo had spread or have become a comforter material for male-male desire is not righting out there can only hope,

Read also: The story - So affair 

it never happens again I got a big lesson the stupidity that I did cause problems that haunt my mind until now,

I promise in my heart, I won't do that kind of stupid thing again I'm so sorry

May God always protect me from this kind of problem Hopefully all women can be protected from all forms of harassment

We also as women must be able to protect ourselves from anything Don't be stupid like what I assure you.