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The story - The Rented Scary

The story - The Rented Scary

The History -  my name is Wanda, I'm 19 years old, and now I am still working the third month as a probation employee in a property company in Bogor

city "Million Public Transportation." since I can't ride a motorbike and my house is very far away in Jonggol, so I decided to stay in a rented house not now from the office

yeah, it's about 2 kilos BTW I signed him not alone huh I have a room-mate like an earthly gift called Yora he is a hardliner Korean UUUUGHTY lover

I and Yora have a mystical story about contracting

Ohiya, I want to tell you before if our rent is a new house that has never been placed So I and Yora were the first people to put the house in place

The first month we lived there was just beautiful and nothing the quietest and anyep if it's already late until one day only when it's maghrib

we come home from work feeling tired and pegeeeel body

Well, just remind me, mystical friend, since our rented house is at the corner of the road So...

Yora and I have a habit of never closing the front door and back of the house until we sleep hehe

because the house is sweltering in the palace stuffy like that oven

Understandably there is no AC hehe

And yes, of course, it's time to take a bath ... Let this ketek smell beautiful It's my first turn to take a shower first

I want to take a shower, and I like to resent my shampoo, my eyes hurt!

It's back to the topic

But... I don't know why my feelings aren't so good it feels like someone is watching me

The story - The Rented Scary

Yeah, you know what it feels like to be seen? Feels right? His intention was just to tell Yora

"Ra ... please close the back door, please." but it didn't work, I just ignored it, after all, it's only been safe night falls around 9 pm I feel not sleepy, yet so I decided to watch Drakor

The title ... "I WAIT FOR MUAHJUSSI" Yora's contagion effect hehe

BTW the Yora is already sleeping, huh, he's a bullet ... Just lay back a little ... Auto pules his sleep time again romantic scenes

 "Bukk !!!"

Uh, Yora's campaign camp found me using a pillow right next to me, then he gets up while grinning, "Hehehe."

The story - The Rented Scary

Because I was shocked to immediately angry him, "What the heck are you surprised?"

Suddenly the expression on his face changed from what he initially felt rather gloomy

He held my hand and said ... "Ndaaa .... someone was tugging at my feet." Yora's tone was like a lackluster person with hair that was severely messed up anyway

Damn gurl! WHAT WHAT IS IT? But I tried to make the atmosphere calm

"Ah, there's just something that makes me shocked, I thought you woke up to a former state of mind." His hands are trembling and holding my hand tighter

This is Wandaaaaa ... Like someone is holding my feet things turned tense I finally told Yora to sleep again

I'm going to sleep again, tired from work And without sin, he comfortably sleeps again

Buseet ... It's just that the child is scared eh there's no five minutes, either

Sleepwell Yora and I continued watching Drakor Dolooooh. I don't know why that night is a barbaric mosquito ngueng ngueng on my ears damn it ...

The story - The Rented Scary

huuuhh lots of mosquitoes Do mosquitoes bite you? I asked Yora without hoping for an answer

Yes, it's the same! A mosquito also bit me. Eh, he answered, please ... I think I slept well the problem is when you look at it, and you sleep well

You are Yora Yora ... You don't have hahaha

Although many mosquitoes whose name is sleepy but still sleepy

finally, I fell asleep when I watched Drakor

The next morning ... while having breakfast uduk rice semur jengki wadidaw we told about funny things during that overnight

Then I ask Yora What did you do last night? Anyone holding your leg? Then he shut up and said ... he doesn't feel up

Wait, wait, wait ... Wait a minute! Yora kept talking if you say that a lot of mosquitoes I'm aware, I'm still awake

But if you told me about someone holding the leg, I don't feel up at all

Then he talks about his own words "You are indifferent ndaaa" But I insist if I am not daydreaming let alone sleep

no, the name awakens must be aware and remember, and then Yora cheated on my statement, "yes."

So ... who am I talking to last night ?! Yora pisses me off, "Hayolooo hayolooo."

finally, I want to know what I feel in the shower there I started to tell everything to Yora and just, so you know

It turned out that Yora felt the same thing as me

Severity... When I take a shower in the afternoon, right ... Yora is waiting outside well he sat near the door of the room like that

Uh, I know he saw a small child's head at the bottom of the door again looking towards the palace room I swear ... Yora said the child is shocking!

The story - The Rented Scary

At first, he thought about the neighbor's child because the kids here really like to play or just run away near the rented house, but strangely, he had never seen that child

Yora said her child is an item His hair is short but somewhat random random

eh when Yora glances a little, the child is gone I was so curious he stood and checked the outside door but what he was looking for was nil after he told me like that

I think who the random one is? but Yora said this time there was no sound even though every child there is always crowded

Even if there is a ball, they accidentally entered. There must be a voice calling "Aunty..."

Read also: The story - So affair Aunt

 So... but this is different

Yes, I'm just ignorant and try not to remember these weird things I thought that event was only limited to this strange event

eh in fact not after we have breakfast, we go to the office

I was shocked to see Yora's feet. There was a bruise ... Rich after hitting a blunt object

When I touch ... Yora said it didn't hurt at all and strangely Yora only realized when I told her there we begin to wonder

Read also: The story - The way I Passed a Passenger

What has happened? What does all this mean? Is this just a coincidence ???

Since that incident, we always close the door at sunset, and I hope this incident does not happen again

Yora increasingly diligently prayers and the Koran and of course, I also pray to ask to be kept away from things that are not good

I already have it We both want to watch Korean dramas first